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Вы здесь » Azerbaijan Youth Tourism Club » Karyera » Ideal is

Ideal is

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Sizin ucun ideal is nedir?
- emekhaqqi
- kollektiv
- ixtisasa uygun ve s.
Siz ozunuz ardini tamamlayin...



Ideal is mence haminin arzusudur ele menimde.
Menim ucun ideal is:
   - ixtisasima uygun
   - istediyim kollektiv
   - tebii ki emekhaqqi
   - herketli gunler (oturaq is olmasin)
   - daha cox insanlarla unsiyyet
   - ve neheyet vaxt problemi olmasin (maksimum derecede gerginlik istediyin vaxt azadliq)

   Bu Elcin Merdanlinin utopik, mumkunsuz ideal is arzusudur.



Allah cin elasin Merdanov



oz isinde yuksek seviyyeli kadr kimi fealiyyet gostermek,unsiyyetcil kollektiv,yuksek mevacib,hereketli is,yeni fikirler ortaya qoyulmasi



Ideal isa siz heyat yoldasiniz da elava eda bilarsiniz? Yani razisiniz hayat yoldasiniz da sizinla bir yerda calissin? Hansisa ofisdemi, idaradami?



menim ucun ferqi yoxdu,en esasi inamdi



yaxsi bunuda deyim ideal is odurki.....
3)hormet sene qarsi
ve sayle kimi seyler ideal sayilir........



KƏNAN написал(а):

3)hormet sene qarsi

Ozuna hormat qazanmaqdan otru garak avvalca san da basqalarina hormat edasan



oturaq, komputere bagli is kimi axmaq, maraqsiz is yoxdur. men arxeoloq olub diyar-diyar dolasmagi cox isterdim, teessuf ki olkemizde bu isin muqabilinde verilen mevacib cox azdir



seni destekleyirem Esi.tanidigim bezi cograflar bu isle mesqul olurlar ve cox maraqli oldugunu soyleyirler ama mevacib az oldugu ucun islemeye deymir.mence de oturaq is cox pidir,hem psixoloji,hem de fiziki



Shehriyar написал(а):

mence de oturaq is cox pidir,hem psixoloji,hem de fiziki

Eslinda otraq isi da muxtelif kateqoriyalara ve sahalara bolarak danismaq lazimdir.
Demak olmaz ki, tam sakilda oturaq is pisdir. Umumiyyatca, is bolgusu aparilarkan esasan onun istehsal ve ya xidmat sahasi olub olmamasi arasdirilmalidir.
Otraq islar asasan xidmat sahalarina aid olur. Xidmat sahalarinda da aksar hallarda sikayat edanlar insanlarla bir basa tamasda olan personaldir. Cunki oturub oz isinla masgul olmaga da bela vaxti olmur iscinin. Halalik bu qadar :)



ILHAM написал(а):

Cunki oturub oz isinla masgul olmaga da bela vaxti olmur iscinin.

Isda sana na tapsirirlar onu gorub sonra da oz islarinla masgul olmaq daha yaxsi olardi.



Mene ele gelir ki, her bir yash docru uchun ve xususile de her bir xarakter uchun mueyyen ish idealdir.
meselen Esmiranin pislediyi oturaq ish menim uchun ideal ishdir :) Ele isteyirdim oturaq ishi terifleyim birden Esmiranin yazisin gordum ve zovqlerin nece muxtelif oldugunu anladim.
Bele deyek de, men isterdim ya ressam, ya da yazichi olum. Istediyim an ishimle meshgul olum, istediyim an istirhet edim. Amma son dovrler nese trader olmaq isteyirem :) sohbet Fonex -den gedir. Heyif deyil. Sene ishlemek uchun lazim olan sadece olaraq senin laptop-undur. Hara isteyirsen ozunle gotur get, ve orda da ishle.
Nebilim, menim bu arzumdur. Amma sozsuz ki sohbet uqurla olmaqdan gedir hem de. Meslen bir situachiya deyim, tesevvur edin ve siz de bu oturaq ishi beyenin :)
belelikle siz oz sevimli noetbook-unuzla Havai adalarindasiniz :) Uzanmisiz chimerlikde, notebook qucaqinizda, qarshida deniz. Gozel menzere, zagar edirsiniz, ve eyni zamanda da oz ishinizle emshgulsunuz :) Forex-desiniz ve boyuk bir meblegde pullarnan oynayirsiniz. Chox ucuz qiymete kulli miqdarda aldiginiz dollarin kursunun birden bire yukseldiyini gorursunuz. beli beli beli! boyuk meblegde pul qazandiniz :)) Deyek 1.000.000 $ :) cemi bir neche deqiqenin ichinde, hem de Havaide :)
Bax bu menim arzumdu :) Inanin mene hemin an sevindiyinizinden bilmeyesiniz ne edesiniz. Men hemin an sadece laptop-u baglayib, qacha qacha denize girerdim :)



Ideal is ucun intervyudan kecmek vacibdi, asagida xarici olkelerde ishe qebul vaxti verilen bezi suallar var. Bir nece xosuma geleni secdim, yeqin xosunuza geler. En esasi, cavablari oxumamis oz variantlarinizi fikirlesin.

Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations. Never forget:"Think Outside of the Box."
Question 1: You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night, it's raining heavily, when suddenly you pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for a bus:

An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
An old friend who once saved your life.
The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing very well that there could only be one passenger in your car?
This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a job application.
* You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first;
* or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect chance to ! pay him back.
* However, you may never be able to find your perfect mate again.
The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble coming up with his answer. Guess what was his answer?

He simply answered:
"I would give the car keys to my Old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams."

Question 2: Interviewer (to a student girl candidate) - What is one morning you woke up found that you were pregnant.

Girl answered:
I will be very excited and take an off, to celebrate with my husband.

Normally an unmarried girl will be shocked to hear this, but she managed it well. Why I should think it in the wrong way, she said later when asked .

Question 3: Interviewer: He ordered a cup of coffee for the candidate. Coffee arrived kept before the candidate, then he asked what is before you?

Candidate: Instantly replied "Tea"
He got selected.
You know how and why did he say "TEA" when he knows very well that coffee was kept before.

(Answer: The question was "What is before you (U - alphabet)
Reply was "TEA" ( T - alphabet) .  Alphabet "T" was before Alphabet "U"

Question 4: The interviewer asked to the candidate "This is your last question of the interview. Please tell me the exact position of the center of this table where u have kept your files."

Candidate confidently put one of his finger at some point at the table and told that this was the central point at the table. Interviewer asked how did u get to know that this being the central point of this table, then he answers quickly that sir u r not likely to ask any more question, as it was the last question that u promised to ask.....

And hence, he was selected as because of his quick-wittedness. ........



maraqlidi :)
But i liked the first one most of all...



Вы здесь » Azerbaijan Youth Tourism Club » Karyera » Ideal is